Earth Day

New Space and Animals 3D drawing templates in Cyant's Lab™!

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Whatever the future of Space Exploration is, 3D printing will be and is already part of it. It will in fact most likely be key to it. Given this, and in the heel of great space news in recent weeks, as well as February’s #3dtalk on aerospace and 3d printing, we could not resist adding a new set of 3d drawing templates focused on space to our iPad app Cyant’s Lab™! We hope this set will tickle the imagination of cyantists of all ages, and inspire them, as 3D printed rockets, rovers and more become part of reality.


And with Earth Day less than two weeks away, we are thrilled to have new “Animals” templates ready to 3D draw and 3D print in our Cyant’s Lab™ too! We hope they will inspire many creations as well as help bring discussions and education around vulnerable species! There are in fact a few vulnerable species represented across all our templates... Can you find them all? :)