3D modeling

New editing tools and creating... from the heart! :)


Cyant’s Lab™ editing tools menu, and your ability to create new unique 3D designs with the app, got expanded earlier this month! The menu was updated to include a scale tool and a rotate tool, which you can use on any individual element from your 3D drawings. As with our other 3D drawing editing tools, you can simply tap on the elements you wish to edit, and the editing tools menu will appear. You can then select the rotate or scale tools to change the orientation or size of the selected elements.

To see the new tools in action, let’s create… from the heart! Here is a quick tutorial video which will show how you can create, in a few steps, a unique 3D flower from a single heart you have 3D drawn.

Happy creating!

Editing your 3D drawings in Cyant's Lab™


In the past few months, we’ve been adding new editing tools in the latest versions of our iPad app Cyant’s Lab™. Whether it is to copy a full 3D drawing, or just an individual segment, or move existing segments to a more suitable location, or deleting segments that are no longer relevant, those tools make it easy for Cyantists of all ages to edit their 3D drawings and use them as basis for new creations!

You will find them in the Portfolio area (copy an entire existing creation), or in the 3D sketchpad. In the 3D sketchpad, you can select (and unselect) an individual segment by tapping on it to edit it. Below is a video that demonstrates how easy it is!

Stay tuned for more in coming months! Happy creating!

Cyant's Lab™ 1.9 Released


Cyant’s Lab™ 1.9 is now out on the App store! This release will gives you the ability to duplicate your 3D drawings in your Portfolio, and edit the duplicates. Simply click on the Copy button for the 3D Drawing you wish to duplicate, and its twin will immediately appear in your Portfolio! We also made a few under the hood improvements and updates.

We hope you enjoy this new feature, and as always, welcome your feedback at info@cyant.co. And stay tuned for more updates!

New Version Of Cyant's Lab™ Out!

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You asked, we listened: a new version of Cyant’s Lab™ is out on the App Store, with the ability to select and delete individual 3D drawing segments! To select a segment, simply tap on it and the Delete tool will become available. You can select as many segments as you wish. To undelete, simply tap on a segment again, or tap anywhere else on the 3D sketch page. We hope you enjoy this new feature, and as always, welcome your feedback at info@cyant.co. And stay tuned for more updates!

Happy Back To School!

Summer STEAM Pop-Up Events, hosted by Project Farmhouse and GrowNYC!

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If you are in NYC in July and August, mark your calendars: we have two pop-up STEAM events with 3D Printing for kids, and we are thrilled be hosted by Project Farmhouse ! Project Farmhouse is a state of the art sustainability center and event space operated by GrowNYC steps away from the Union Square Greenmarket, and we’ll have a chance to visit this iconic farmers market as part of these STEAM workshops too!


The first workshop will take place on July 27th, 10:00am-12:00pm, and focus on plants. Plants have long been a great and important source of inspiration and a resource across many fields, and there are already quite a few connections with 3D printing... So we are really looking forward to meeting with new young cyantists to discuss technology, sustainability, plants and a small 3D printed project.


The second workshop will take place on August 17th, 10:00am - 12:00pm focus on Summer Fruits! Young cyantists will learn about the technology, sustainability aspects, summer fruits and create a small 3D printed design which they will be able to take home too!

If you are in NYC, make sure to bring your kiddos and join us!

A New Compass Tool In Cyant's Lab™

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We’re excited to have a new Compass tool available in Cyant’s Lab™ as of version 1.8.0! The tool will make it easy to 3D draw and have fun with circular shapes and arcs in jewelry and accessories, art, crafts / diy, STEAM projects and more. We’ve designed the tool to be intuitive to use, functioning much like a real-life compass and can’t wait for it to spark and fuel new creations. Versions 1.8.0 and above also include some updates, improvements and bug fixes to Cyant’s Lab™.

Happy creating and 3D printing!

New Space and Animals 3D drawing templates in Cyant's Lab™!

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Whatever the future of Space Exploration is, 3D printing will be and is already part of it. It will in fact most likely be key to it. Given this, and in the heel of great space news in recent weeks, as well as February’s #3dtalk on aerospace and 3d printing, we could not resist adding a new set of 3d drawing templates focused on space to our iPad app Cyant’s Lab™! We hope this set will tickle the imagination of cyantists of all ages, and inspire them, as 3D printed rockets, rovers and more become part of reality.


And with Earth Day less than two weeks away, we are thrilled to have new “Animals” templates ready to 3D draw and 3D print in our Cyant’s Lab™ too! We hope they will inspire many creations as well as help bring discussions and education around vulnerable species! There are in fact a few vulnerable species represented across all our templates... Can you find them all? :)